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Welcome to the Synopsis of Dave Ewoldt's major work whose working title was;

Connecting the Dots: Reversing Our Handbasket to Hell

Dave was Senior Analyst and, with his wife Allison, co-founded: Attraction Retreat ("catalyzing personal empowerment, societal transformation, and environmental sustainability"), Natural Systems Solutions ("reconnecting with nature for sustainable lifestyles, organizations, and communities"), and Coalitions of Mutual Endeavor ("developing effective coalitions for collaborative action that are capable of building the critical mass necessary to catalyze life-affirming change"). He and Allison also co-founded The EcoIntegrity Center of Bellingham, WA (EcoBell), a branch of Attraction Retreat that served as a community hub for kindred spirits and a sustainable urban intentional community.

He was a practitioner and researcher in the field of ecopsychology, helping people remember how to think and act the way nature works. He often referred to himself as a paradigm shift coach.

Dave passed away before Connecting the Dots could be published so his wife Allison, co-founder of their non-profits, and their dear friend Chet Gardiner (computer maven, community activist and professional musician) picked up where he left off.  This synopsis and the forthcoming download and print on demand editions of his book are the result of their joint effort.

We have chosen to present his text in a WordPress theme (ironically titled Chosen) that is simple, clean and easy to read.

Unlike most internet web pages, active links to other pages and resources in Chosen are underlined but do NOT appear in blue type.

There is a link provided at the end of each page that will replace the current page with the next page of the synopsis.

Clicking on most of the active keyword links within the text will open up a new tab in your browser showing the Glossary page located at the entry for that keyword.  Some of the entries are active links to Dave Ewoldt articles and on occasion, external resources instead.

In most browsers you can preview the website/webpage URL where you'll be sent if you click.  Try it!  Hover your cursor over "Glossary" link above and you should see "" appear at the bottom of your screen.

Note: After a link creates a new tab and displays another webpage you can return to the calling page by just closing the tab (usually clicking an "x" in the tab title).

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