Coalitions of Mutual Endeavor
Building critical mass
for critical change

Personal and Business Membership

Why join COME? To help ensure we can carry out our necessary and increasingly urgent work, and gain the benefits of being part of the life-affirming response to rapidly converging crises.

As explained elsewhere on this site, COME has two major goals and functions that require financial support—disabling the arsonist behind all the single issue fires and facilitating coalition development.

Overcoming the power of the prevailing life-threatening paradigm and creating the alternative just, peaceful, life-honoring culture we all envision requires the participation and support of very large numbers of people, groups, and organizations—a critical mass. Individual and single issue efforts are still vital—from saving species to stopping fracking to ending war and injustice. However, unique but ultimately disconnected efforts alone cannot achieve the foundational change that is vitally needed for the systemic change required. What can?

Coming together.

Organizing such a massive effort does require time and money. However, the mission of COME makes it anathema to be beholden to any corporation or profit-driven individual. Rather, we are funded by workshop and membership fees that support the administrative requirements of COME as well as our staff that is engaged in policy research and analysis for sustainable development, an Earth jurisprudence, steady-state economies, and reconnecting with nature.

COME! Join the growing numbers of awake and aware individuals, groups, and organizations that are responding to the growing cracks in the status quo by coming together to experience that we the people are more powerful than we dare to believe.

And the benefits? Not only do members enjoy the personal benefits listed below, but by creating a critical force for powerful positive change, we and our progeny will ultimately enjoy a more just, peaceful, humane, healthy, vibrant, resilient, i.e. sustainable, world.


Educational events, speakers and consulting services on sustainability, local economies, green retrofits, cultures of peace, organic agriculture, ecocity development, developing mutually supportive relationships, ecology and sense of place, holistic health, community projects, policy development

  • Networking events
  • Directory listing
  • Members e-mail list for announcements and resource sharing
  • Opportunities to strengthen your community
  • Community education about the importance of supporting and investing in locally owned businesses and becoming stewards of your region.
  • Teach and learn from a community of like-minded local business owners and sustainability advocates who share your challenges and your vision!
  • Advocate for policies that support independent local businesses and farms, promote economic equity, build responsible and supportive community relationships, and protect and restore the environment
  • Discounted participation in all events and initiatives
Membership levels
  • Sustaining Member - $500 to $2500
  • Standard Member - $100 to $499
  • Small business/non-profit - $50 to $99 (whose budget can't justify standard membership)
  • Affiliate member - $10 minimum or volunteer hours
 Download membership form